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BiasharaBima / SME SOLUTION
This policy combines different classes of insurance in one and is tailor-made for small-to-medium-size businesses with a sum insured of up to KshS. 50,000,000.
Solutions for Small and middle enterprises
- Business continuity
- Property damage
- Legal suits
- Injury to employees
- Equipment damage
- Loss of goods and cash
- Political violence
- Public Schools
- Heavy manufacturing risks
- Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
- Industrial risks
- Forex Bureaus
- Betting firms, etc.
Target Markets
- Retail
- Single Asset
- Personal Care
- Education
- Food and beverage
- Commercial property
- Light manufacturing and warehousing
- Offices
Sections under BiasharaBima
A fire insurance is a contract under which the insurer in return for a consideration (premium) agrees to indemnify the insured for the financial loss which the latter may suffer due to destruction of or damage to property or goods, caused by fire, during a specified period.
Scope Of Cover
All moveable/ immoveable properties of the proposer on land (excluding those in transit) broadly categorized as follows:
- Building (including plinth and foundations, if required): • Whether completed or in course of construction (excluding the value of land). • Interiors, Partitions and Electricals.
- Plant & Machinery, Equipment & Accessories (including foundations, if required) • Bought Second hand. • Bought New • Obsolete Machinery
- Stocks: • Raw Material • Finished Goods • In process • In trade belonging to Wholesaler, Manufacturer and Retailer. Other Contents such as • Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings • Cables and Piping's • Spares, Tools and Stores • Household goods, etc.
Perils Covered
Fire Perils • Fire • Explosion / implosion • Aircraft damage • AOG perils (Lightening, Flood) • Subsidence & landslide including rock slide Social Perils • Riot, strike, malicious damage. • Terrorism (the optional cover). Other perils • Impact damage. • Bursting or overflowing of water tanks & pipes. • Bush fire.
SECTION 2: Burglary
This policy provides cover for loss or damage to property insured as a result of forcible and /or violent entry/ exit from the premises. The property to be covered under this policy should be that which is always in the insured location such as
- Furniture, Fixtures and Fittings
- Office Contents
- Plant and Machinery
The sums insured should reflect the current replacement or market values of the property less a deduction for wear and tear/ depreciation.
To enable us to quote for this class of insurance we require to know the sums insured in respect of the property as described above.
The main policy exclusions include:
- Money and Securities
- Property in outbuildings
- Theft by family members or employees
- Theft following fire or explosion
- Goods in the open
- Computer General Loss Exclusion
- Political Risks Exclusion
- Terrorism Exclusion
- IT Risks Exclusion
- Any loss falling within the policy excess
SECTION 3: All Risks
This policy provides cover for all risks of loss to property unless occasioned by or happening through any excluded cause.
Property to be insured under this policy should be all that property that is susceptible to accidental damage from other causes other than fire and theft. Property always on the move should also be covered under this policy such as video cameras, mobile phones etc.
The main policy exclusions include
- Terrorism Exclusion
- IT Risks Exclusion Property damaged by its undergoing any process involving the application of heat or the actual process of dyeing, cleaning, repair or renovation.
- Electrical or mechanical breakdown or faulty manipulation.
- Wear, tear, gradual deterioration, vermin, inherent vice, rust or atmospheric conditions.
- Losses falling within the policy excess
- Theft from motor vehicles unless the property is contained at the time of loss in locked boot or locked locker forming an integral part of the vehicle.
- Breakage of articles of a brittle nature unless such damage is caused by fire or thieves
- Damage to or scratching of lenses unless the apparatus is damaged at the same time
This policy provides indemnity in respect of death or injury to employees arising out of and in the course of their employment in accordance with the Work Injury Benefit Act. This cover protects employers, should their employees incur injuries or die out of and in the course of employment. Compensation is payable in accordance with the provisions of the WIBA Act 2007. The maximum benefit is set at 96 months’ salary
- This is a no fault Act and therefore negligence need not be proved against employers
- The insurance is mandatory; all employers must obtain and maintain an insurance policy or security in respect of their liability
- For purposes of compensation the earnings of a trainee shall be based on the earnings of a person with five (5) years experience.
- The employer is required to report the details of an accident in respect of an employee to the Director of Occupational Safety and Health Services in the prescribed manner within two days for fatal and seven (7) days for others. Claim for compensation must be lodged in 12 months.
- The Act requires an insurer or employer against whom a claim has been lodged by the Director to settle the same within 90 days of the lodging of the claim
If an employee who is ordinarily employed in Kenya is injured in an accident while temporarily deployed outside Kenya, the employee is, entitled to compensation as if the accident had happened in Kenya. This does not apply to an employee who has been deployed outside Kenya for a continuous period of twelve months.
Compensation is provided as follows:
- Death: 96 Months earnings
- Permanent Total Disability: 96 months earnings.
- Temporary Total Disability: 52 weeks weekly wages
- Medical Expenses: Kshs. 30,000/=
- Funeral Expenses: Kshs 20,000/=
SECTION 5: Employers Liability
This policy provides indemnity for legal liability in respect of accidental death, bodily injury or illness/disease to employees as declared arising out of and in the course of employment. This policy is activated only after a legal claim has been intimated against the Insured.
SECTION 6: Public Liability
Provides indemnity against legal liability to third parties in respect of accidental death, bodily injury and or illness and/or loss or damage to property incurred by the Insured in the course of the Insured’s business and in the Insured’s premises.
SECTION 7: Fidelity Guarantee
This policy provides indemnity against loss of money and / or stock and / or stores caused by fraud or dishonesty of the insured employees.
Cover is provided for losses which occur during the currency of the policy and which are discovered within six months of dismissal or retirement of the employee or expiry of the policy whichever occurs first.
The employees covered are those who handle cash or stocks belonging to the Insured. For us to quote on this we would require to be given each employees on occupation basis together with what limit of either Money or stock they can handle.
The main policy exclusions include: -
- Political Risks Exclusion
- Terrorism Exclusion
- Computer General Loss Exclusion
- Losses falling within the Policy excess
- Failure to maintain a system of check.
- Theft by an employee not mentioned in the policy.
SECTION 8: Money
This policy covers loss of money in transit, on the premises, at your home or that of your directors'. This policy also provides coverage for the loss or damage to the company’s safe or strong room caused by attempts at burglary.
Sub sections include money that is:
- In Transit (Maximum Value for multiple locations)
- In premises during business hours
- In safe outside business hours
- Scratch Cards and Mobile Money Float
- Damage to safe
- With authorized employees: Limit per employee
- Estimated Annual Carry
SECTION 9: Group Personal Accident
The policy provides compensation to the insured or his legal personal representative in case of death the benefits stated should the person sustain bodily injury caused solely and directly by accidental violent external and visible means, which independently of any other cause result in death or disability.
Risk Classification
Risks under this class are classified on the basis of occupations. The main factor to consider is how hazardous the occupation is.
Risks can be classified as;
- Low Hazard e.g. Office staff, Doctors Etc.
- Medium Hazard e.g. Messengers, Architects etc
- High Hazard e.g. Drivers, machinists, security guards etc
Capital Benefits – Insured specifies the Benefits payable in the event of an accident
e.g. Death – Kshs. 5m, PTD – Kshs. 5m
Earnings – Benefits payable will be in multiples of earnings as at the time of the accident
e.g. 5, 8 years earnings.
SECTION 10: Political Violence and Terrorism
Terrorism is defined as an act, including use of force or violence, of any person or groups of persons whether acting alone or on behalf of or in connection with any organization committed for political, religious or ideological purposes including the intention to influence any government and/or to put the public in fear.
This policy provides cover against:
- Emerging presence of terror related activities within the region.
- The uncertainty of politics in the region creates a conducive environment for proliferation of the vice
Scope of Cover includes:
- Material damage losses
- Business Interruption
For assistance, contact our Customer Care teams on 0711-030140 and/or 0711-030105, email customercare@directline.co.ke or visit us at our various branches.