BimaTap Motor Third-Party Only
Get a one month cover for your private vehicle or BodaBoda by clicking here.
How to Buy Bima Tap Cover from Directline Assurance
On your mobile phone, open the browser application;
go to the site
Folow the procedure as guided on the web page
Ensure to enter your best email address and once prompted, pay KES 1,000 via mpesa.
Receive your insurance on email instantly.
Collect a windscreen sticker at your nearest Total Petrol Station.
What is BimaTap?
This is a one month cover that provides cover to the insured for third party liabilities. Under this cover, we compensate the policy holder against legal liabilities incurred as a result of the use of the motor vehicle, such as, Third Party Injuries, Third Party Property Damage and Legal Representation
Scope Of Cover
The cover provides indemnity against:
- Death or bodily injury to any person excluding the members of the insured’s household or same household as any person claiming to be indemnified.
- Damage to property.
- Indemnity to legal representatives following the death of any person covered under this policy provided such legal representatives comply with the Terms & Conditions of the policy.
Limits of Liability
In the event of an accident involving indemnity under this policy, the under noted limits shall apply:
- Third Party Property Damage: KES. 1,000,000
- Third Party Bodily Injury/Death: KES. 3,000,000
The premium payable under this cover is KES. 1,000 all inclusive
For assistance, contact our Customer Care team on 0711-030155 and/or 0711-030800 or email us at bimatap(at)